Saturday, May 22, 2010

Safe Travels My Friend

The speed at which news travels these days never ceases to amaze me. As soon as I logged on to my computer this morning and read the daily news happening around the world, I found myself unable to breathe as I read about the plane crash that happened in India. You see, I knew of a friend who was flying into Dubai and my first concern was of their safety. In that brief moment, the potential loss of their friendship caused me to crumble in a way I have never experienced before. I wanted one more day, one more phone call, and one more email from my friend. I searched the internet frantically for news of the survivors and a list of those that were on the plane. It was two more hours before I learned of those that had perished and those that had survived. It felt like the longest two hours of my life. Even now as I write this blog through tears, the possibility of loosing a friend so suddenly made me realize that life is truly unpredictable and too short. Thankfully, my friend was not on the plane that crashed but countless others lost a loved one today and I feel their pain and suffering.

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