Sunday, April 25, 2010

The Power of Positive Thinking

In previous blogs, I have written that I believe in the power of positive thinking. I know that my thoughts both negative and positive have powerful effects on my life. As a rule, I try to start my day with positive thinking. I try to think about all the blessings in my life, even if it is just for a few minutes. I do this every day in the morning, especially on workdays. You should try it. It may seem weird at first, but with practice, having the ability to have positive thinking will give you a tremendous payout as your day unfolds.

When a person participates in negative thinking, it always leads to inaction and loss of personal power. Having a positive perception and thinking will always lead to action and an increased personal power. Yet, we always seem to choose the negative side by default. I guess we can blame it on our society or on the negative conditioning we may have received during our childhood, but you need to remember that there are always two sides to every situation. The hard part is learning how to separate those two sides called fact and perception.

When faced with a problem, I try to ask myself the right kinds of questions about the situation, because it can often guide my thinking to the positive side. For example, instead of asking yourself “Why does this always happen to me?” whenever something negative happens to you, try asking yourself the following types of questions instead:

• What kinds of things can I learn from this situation?
• How can this situation help me grow as an individual?
• What is the best part about this problem?
• In what ways can I benefit from this situation?

I have always found that asking the right questions enables me to have the power to reframe the situation easily so I can use it to my advantage. If you use this process, you will see that from one small event and the use of positive thinking, you can think of multiple future rewards and gain better perspective when problems arise.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Mano! Sounds like we both share the same thoughts on positivity.
