Thursday, December 31, 2009

Life Is Too Short - Enjoy It!

How do you see life: through the eyes of an optimist, through the eyes of a pessimist, or through the eyes of a realist? This week, I had an epiphany. I finally acknowledged that I was an optimist but I like to be viewed as a realist. Although, sometimes I let pessimism get in the way of achieving my goals because my outlook on things is readjusted to fit the circumstances that life brings my way. You see, we really have characteristics of each in us, but one is more dominant.

Mostly I see the world as a grand opportunity with people, who like me, also are not perfect. I believe in the power of positive thinking and try to see the bright side of most situations. I am perhaps too positive at times, and downright silly, but that is better than being bitter and feeling like life has passed me by. For me, things do work out better this way and I am a much happier person for it. I truly want to see the good in people and situations and often am accused of wearing rose-colored glasses. Being happy really is a choice that has brought me many rewards.

We are only living on this earth for a short while and I have realized, yet again, how short life can be, how perilous our existence really is and how important it is to keep the extraneous garbage at bay. I am excited when I think about the possibilities that 2010 will bring. Life is too short to not enjoy it, so my goal is to savor and enjoy the journey and not to always worry about the destination.

“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” - Winston Churchill.

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