Friday, November 27, 2009

Getting Older and Wiser

Next month, I will be another year older. I remember when I turned ten and I thought that I was a “big” girl that knew everything. Those teen years brought raging hormones, horrible acne and insecurities about my body, some of which I still struggle with today. In my twenties, my body turned from pubescent to womanly and I discovered the laws of gravity. To be honest, I really struggled when I turned thirty because I suddenly realized that I was getting older even if I did not feel old. Turning thirty meant that there was no turning back and hitting the “re-do” button. I told myself that I needed to stop saying, “I wish I could” and start doing what I wanted to do because I finally felt that life was REALLY too short to have regrets. When I turned forty a few years ago, I finally stopped counting the years. Honestly, I really forget now what my true age is without doing the math…and I hate math! I tell myself daily that I am only as old as I feel and I am determined to age gracefully because there really is not any other option. I will not do plastic surgery or have Botox because I am too much of a chicken. I will embrace my fine lines and age spots with an understanding that I have earned all of them. I know I cannot compete with the body of a twenty year old, but can she compare in either the confidence or knowledge that I finally have? I guess there is something worse than having another birthday…not having any more birthdays. Yes, I am getting older and I am going to embrace it because there is no stopping it.

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